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Reiki (pronounced ray-key) meaning spiritual wisdom and life energy is a Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction that also supports and promotes healing. 


Reiki can be easily learned by anyone and there are many different lineages of Reiki. Sarah has become a Reiki practitioner and Holy Fire® World Peace Reiki Master trainer under Mikao Usui's lineage. Mikao Usui discovered Reiki in March of 1922. Throughout the past 100 years it has evolved in different ways to become stronger, more powerful and healing, which is what according to Mikao Usui's notebooks wanted as it read "The most important thing for a Reiki practitioner to do is to continually seek to improve the quality and quantity of the Reiki energy they are able to channel"


Reiki is administered by gently laying on hands or hovering over. Techniques such as this have been practiced for thousands of years. Reiki being both powerful and gentle is guided by energy and spiritual consciousness therefore it can be used on anyone and never causes any harm.


It has a long history of being used to aid in helping to treat virtually every known illness and injury including life threatening problems like multiple sclerosis, heart disease and cancer. It also helps aid in healing of skin ailments, cuts, bruises, broken bones, headaches, colds, flu, sore throat, sun burn, fatigue, insomnia and impotence. As well as energetic, mental and emotional blocks.


It is always beneficial and works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of therapy


Reiki is not an exchange of energy between practitioner and client but rather the practitioner works as a vessel to transport Reiki. Due to Reiki being guided by spiritual consciousness, it can never do harm. 



Reiki, crystals, infant loss

Benefits of Reiki

Clients report greater relaxation and peace, reduced stress and tension, feeling supported, reduction in pain, feeling lighter and more grounded, and an improved quality of life after receiving even one Reiki treatment.

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